Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
EHS Festival At The Field
18 June 2021
Glastonbury, Reading, Coachella may all have been cancelled this year but that hasn't stopped the festival spirit coming to EHS. In full festival attire Year 10 and 11 enjoyed a fun filled day of entertainment down at the field. Face Painting commenced (thank you Mrs Lee!) with glitter galore to really get everyone into the festival mood!
The eclectic vibes of the superb Year 10 playlist, (thanks Amelie!) meant the girls could chill out under their marquees or dance away down on the field.
For those wishing to be a little more active, the girls and their friends enjoyed revisiting their childhoods on the Bouncy Castles, became very competitive on the Inflatable Assault courses, practised their skills on Crazy Golf, and took their chances on a host of outdoor games including Connect Four, Giant Jenga, Twister, Buzzwire and Flybe Frisbees.
And as if that wasn't enough, there was a feast of food and drink - cakes and crisps, fizzy pop for elevenses. Then the extra special lunchtime delivery from Dominoes Pizzas, courtesy of Mr Shutt pulling a few strings, saw a huge van full of 115 pizzas to feed everyone. Miss Hayday (in charge of pizza of course!) has never seen the girls queue so fast for their grub!
The sun shone gloriously all afternoon, and after buckets of ice creams, and spending hours printing off old school photographs from the fabulous Selfie Photo Booth, and a giant game of rounders, everyone was suitably shattered!
The only thing left to do as we all said our goodbyes was to enjoy a bag of Limited Edition sweets. Not even available on the market yet, these are the best goody bags of sweets around from the coolest Sweet Shop in town - O'Haydays. With a cheeky lucky monkey logo and a tagline "It's sweet o'clock time" - it was a quirky treat to end the day.
Thank you to all of the other staff involved too, including Mrs Bachelor, Ms Roye, Ms Lawrence, Mr Ball, Ms Graham, for helping to organise the day and supervise the girls.
And an even bigger thank you to Year 10 and 11 who were quite simply fantastic!
We hope you had a brilliant time 🙂
Miss O'Hare and Miss Hayday

Year 10 and 11 Activity Days
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