Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Detective scientists investigate food 'fake news'


18 October 2019

Girls and boys from Year 4 at EHS Prep and West House Schools became Detective Scientists on Wednesday. During the summer months, food ‘facts’ put on the social media Facebook platform Blossom went viral and worried millions of people. The pupils spent a most enjoyable and fruitful morning working together to disprove the ‘facts’ and reassure everyone that, in the UK, our food standards are extremely high.

The experiments involved proving things like:

  • There are no rocks in baby food.
  • Foods such as sweet potato do not have dye added.
  • There is no washing powder in ice cream.
  • There is no chalk in salt.
  • Food can have a waxy surface.
  • Milk is not watered down.

They pupils achieved what the experts from Blossom did not, dispelling the ‘fake news’. We look forward to our other year groups from the two schools meeting together to further enrich their school curriculum. 

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