Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Children's Mental Health Week - reference links

Senior School

01 February 2021

Last week I outlined some of the outstanding pastoral care on offer here at EHS.  This week we have been sign posting pupils to a number of activities and resources designed to foster and reinforce positive mental health.  All pupils have access to videos, activities and help sheets that provide hints and tips on everything from managing anxiety to learning to express yourself.  

If you would like to get involved as parents and carers please click the link below

- Mrs Cirillo-Campbell













Parents and children can contact Nurse Al Ani ( and the counselling service is still running, albeit remotely.


Nurse Al Ani has shared the following resources which you might find useful and enjoy: 

Ideas for routines: 

You can try an online mood journal: 

Resources for anxiety, including Yoga and an online balloon game: 

Couch to 5K: 

Time capsule idea: 

Stress relieving free colouring in: 

Have a go at making your own “chill mix”: 

(make sure you enable the sound mixer). A video explaining how is on this page: 

Exclusive audio extract of Life on Earth by David Attenborough: 

Virtual visit of the Natural History Museum: 

National Geographic for Kids 


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