Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Celebrating Year 6


05 July 2024

Each year we celebrate all that Year 6 girls have achieved during their time in the Prep School before they begin their new adventure in Senior School. This year was no exception as girls from Years 2 – 5 joined parents and invited guests in the marquee on Tuesday for an afternoon of celebration.

After welcoming everyone, including Mrs Macro, Mrs Hartley talked about how far the girls had come since some of them began their EHS journey in Nursery with girls joining in each year up to Year 6.  She shared several quotes too about how important their shared memories would be, for both girls and parents.

Mrs Hartley then welcomed three other special guests. Amelie, Simran and Aamnah had been in Mrs Hartley’s first Nursery class and are just finishing Year 13, as Mrs Hartley is about to retire. Amelie shared some memories of the journey through EHS together.

The Prep Leadership team of, Charlotte, Head Girl and Emily and Jessie, Deputy Head Girls then shared their special moments in Prep.  It was very clear that they had enjoyed the friendships made, trips and workshops attended, enrichment opportunities and, of course, the Year 6 Production.

All of the girls in Year 6 were thanked for their contributions throughout their years and especially for the responsibilities they have taken on in this, their last year in Prep.  This is often expressed by prospective parents who say they hope their daughters would turn out like the girls they have met at EHS.

Mrs Macro awarded a number of subject prizes and named prizes given by former pupils and members of staff. This was followed by a very emotional rendition of ‘Believe’ and a message to the girls that we believe in them and that they most certainly have a ‘Future Without Limits’.

No Prep event is complete without our traditional three cheers lead by Charlotte, Emily and Jessie which was followed by the presentation of a school gift for each girl presented by our special Year 13 visitors.

Once the formal proceedings were over it was time for some ‘Graduation’ photographs and tea with parents who were also pleased to share some of their memories.

We send our Year 6 girls off with our very best wishes for a successful future.

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