Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Animal Antics! Pets Got Talent and Guide Dog Week
21 May 2021
Guide Dogs for the Blind is a charity close to the hearts of us all here at EHS and we are very excited to announce that this year we’ll be running a whole week of events to raise funds for our canine companions.
Kicking off on Monday 14 June 2021, EHS’s Guide Dog Week, will be a bit like RAG week, with the whole school brimming with events and initiatives themed around pet care and raising money towards the ‘name a puppy’ scheme.
For pupils with their own playful pups, Miss Vann will be running Q&A sessions about training hints and tips with demonstrations from Vixen the Guide Dog and there will be pet themed activity packs with colouring, quizzes and games for a £1 donation. We’ll also be holding a raffle where the main prize is a huge hamper bursting with pet prizes and girls can learn how to make their own cat and dog biscuit treats and recycled fabric toys in a series of workshops run by our Food & Nutrition and D&T Textiles departments, all for £1 donation. We’ll also be holding various competitions and are hoping to get some of the Guide Dogs and their owners along to the school later this term for a meet and greet on the field.
And as if that wasn’t enough, we’ll be rounding off the week with the very first EHS Pets Got Talent contest! Girls are invited to submit photos and film a short audition tape to send to Mrs Coley showcasing their pet’s talent. Any pets welcome! The videos will be used to create our very own EHS Pets Got Talent Show with judges, buzzers and entertainment from a range of pets!
All girls will be encouraged to get involved and fundraise independently as well as via the activities in school. A dedicated pet loyalty card will be handed out to help track and incentivise fundraising efforts and a timetable of events will be posted in the school ante hall.
We can’t wait to see how talented EHS pets really are! Look out for updates and some of the best entries on our social media channels and in future issues of Friday Headlines.

Guide Dogs
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