Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from Prep


23 September 2022

Over the last two weeks we have enjoyed meeting parents at our workshops and information evenings. Strengthening our partnerships so early in the new school year is very important for us all and we are looking forward to the events we have to come this term.

Year 6 have been pleased to receive their posts of responsibility for their last year in Prep and they are beginning to establish their roles. We were delighted to introduce our two Head Girls for 2022-2023 at our Celebration Assembly.  We congratulate Anya and Lucy and look forward to working with them.  

We also welcomed Amelia and Asees, our two Charity Champions who will update us weekly on our silver bag collection.  They will help with charity events too, the first of which is next Friday’s Macmillan Day. Amelia and Asees invite parents to join us in Prep Hall from 8.15 on 30 September for some refreshments with a charity collection to support the charity and some time to socialise.

Our Eco Champion for the year, Anisha, helped to launch our first eco project to mark recycling week.  We introduced the idea of a bottle top mural based on the design created by Supreeta in Year 4.  We are busy collecting coloured tops and are keen to see this creation develop. Anisha hopes everyone will be involved and she will bring regular updates.

Our recent assemblies have marked a number of worthy awareness days which we are sure the girls talk about at home. We have included Roald Dahl Day, Democracy Day, World Gratitude Day and International Day of Peace.  Next week we will have a focus on Languages.

We look forward to Year 6 Parents’ Evening and to our Year 5 and 6 Teatime Concert next week.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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