Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Welcome Back to Prep


20 September 2022

We are delighted to be back at school and we have welcomed everyone, especially our new members of the EHS community. We had girls to welcome in every year group from Nursery to Year 6. We were pleased to see them arriving with smiles and know that they will settle very quickly and enjoy life at EHS.

We also congratulated Mrs Sawyers, who was married in the holidays.  We have promised we will do our best not to call her Miss Dawes!

In our first assembly of the new year, we celebrated the inspirational summer of women’s sport and then were inspired ourselves by our first Morning Musician of the new year. Davica gave a most impressive performance of Somewhere Over the Rainbow which fitted in very well and we thank her for playing so beautifully. Some of our Year 1 girls also helped us to see what we have to look forward to in September which we hope will be full of smiles.

We thought about how we are all unique and no matter what skills and talents we have we can all make a difference in the world and should be proud of who we are. We considered how important our friends are to us and how we should also aim to be a good friend in return.

Year 2 are learning about the Great Fire of London and they enjoyed finding out how life has changed since 1666 from a special visit from the local fire brigade which you can read about in our separate story.

In our celebration assemblies since returning we have awarded the Well Done certificates to Years 1 and 2 girls.  We also shared the scrapbooks produced  in the holiday in response to the challenge we set.  Well done to Hana, Jashvita, Bethan, Emily H, Alice and Grace,  for their tremendous efforts.  They have all earned Headteacher’s certificate and Bookworm badges for their efforts.

Like many other people, we marked the sad news of the Queen’s passing with our condolences to the royal family.  We have also celebrated the unequalled commitment the Queen made to the country.  

We look forward to welcoming our Nursery parents to a workshop this week and to seeing Year 1 and 2 parents on Thursday at our Parents’ Information Evening.

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