Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Year 5 head to Cranedale - what an adventure!

Westbourne | Preparatory

18 May 2018

The coach was full of excited chatter and happy smiles as we left Birmingham behind and headed for Yorkshire. On arrival the girls tucked into sandwiches and donned wellies and waterproofs as we set off for our first adventure.

Our scientific and geographical knowledge was to be enriched in so many ways. The first afternoon involved a trip to Selwicks Bay where we were looking at the causes of coastal erosion and seeing the stack, arch and cave first hand. Walking through a small arch to emerge out of the other side was so much better than looking at a photograph. Investigating rock pools and finding creatures caused shouts of excitement, as we found crabs, butterfish and limpets. Using a net and navigating the slippery seaweed was an adventure in itself. All 195 steps up and down exhausted us and we were ready for a hot evening meal as we headed back to unpack and settle.

Survival skills were needed in the woods and we looked at food chains. In a fun way the girls learnt about herbivores and carnivores, deadly diseases and humans all having an impact on the environment. Camouflaging themselves with all manner of woodland material and sneaking up on each other was immensely enjoyable. All girls fled as the staff were let loose into the woodland shouting that the humans were coming!

Each evening involved a lab session to consolidate the theme of the day. These included dissecting owl pellets or using a microscope to sketch a live mayfly. Currently the girls are busily preparing for their Cranedale Assembly where these adventures and more will be described to parents. They are working on their booklets and are keen to add as much detail as possible to keep a special memento of the activities.

Our thanks to the tutors at Cranedale and the staff who accompanied us. It was s thoroughly successful trip, taking education out of the classroom and developing all important team building skills. 

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