Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Molly's Fundraising Efforts

Senior School

03 May 2024

Year 7 pupil Molly C is making a significant impact in raising awareness and funds for Coeliac UK, a charity dedicated to supporting those with coeliac disease. With personal experience of the condition, Molly took the initiative to educate her classmates about the challenges of living with coeliac disease and how she manages it in her daily life.

Molly delivered an inspiring talk to her form, explaining what coeliac disease is and highlighting the importance of a gluten-free diet for those affected. 

Together with her mum, Molly baked 100 delicious gluten-free treats, which they sold at school last Friday. The baked goods were a hit, with students and staff eager to get a taste. Although the total amount raised is still to be confirmed, the event was a huge success, thanks to Molly's dedication and enthusiasm.

Well done, Molly! 

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