Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

A Comprehensive Study Day

Sixth Form

15 March 2024

On Wednesday, a group of A Level students took part in a Study Day focusing on the text ‘A Streetcar Named Desire.’

Students preparing for their A Levels in English Language and Literature and English Literature took part in the online Study Day hosted in school and organised by the educational group Sovereign Education.

The day featured a series of lectures from university professors and examiners and focused upon the context of the Tennessee Williams play, as well as setting and staging and Feminist and Marxist interpretations.

Year 13 student Chelsy Sketchley said: “We have heard about how setting and place have a deeper meaning and is crucial to how the play is conveyed.  The lectures were very helpful and I understood that there is more symbolism in the play than I realised.”

Students completing English Literature as an A Level explore the play as part of their coursework and those taking the A Level English Language and Literature course study the text for examination.

Evie Crow-Marcetic, who studies A Level English Language and Literature, said: “I found the information about female hysteria from the time of writing to be particularly interesting, as well as the explorations of Stella’s own desires.”

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