Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
News From the Head of Prep
24 January 2025
We aim to inspire our girls by introducing them to incredible women and men who have made a lasting impact on the world. We prepare our EHS girls for future success and give them the springboard to choose whatever path they wish. Our EHS values are at the core of everything that we do, but we also value kindness above all else. This week, a Year Three pupil was delighted to share with me that the word ‘kindness’ has been chosen as the Children’s Word of the Year following a survey by Oxford University Press. In a world which feels so unstable, it is reassuring to know that the adults of the future value the importance of kindness.
Kindness is like a warm blanket, even in the darkest of times. We may not always be able to control situations around us, but small acts of kindness can make a huge difference. Our wonderful Year Three girls delighted parents, family and friends on Wednesday morning with a fantastic Storytelling Assembly. The girls had collaborated brilliantly in small groups to create a story and to then perform it to the audience. Each story was very different. Each story captured the audience with the girls’ choice of ambitious vocabulary, thoughtful actions, humour, alliteration, similes, story structure and creativity. But what I was most thrilled by, was that kindness was interwoven into every performance. The girls looked out for one another, they were supportive, they navigated challenges positively (moving around the stage in an organised manner is never easy!) and they were proud of one another.
It made me realise that what we do so extraordinarily well within EHS Prep School is to keep kindness at the heart of everything we do. In doing so, we give the girls the inner confidence to achieve great things, so that when they move on from the Prep school at the end of Year Six, they truly are prepared for future success...whatever that may be.
Mrs Hobson
The girls continue to work hard across all areas of the curriculum, but particular congratulations go to the following girls for demonstrating our EHS Values so beautifully.
Nell for settling so well into Kindergarten and showing courage every day!
Sana for being so courageous during her first time ever in the swimming pool.
Asiri for demonstrating perseverance, working hard and with focus.
Jessica for excellence when independently writing a story about Jasper’s Beanstalk.
Year One
Angeline for creativity with her art work.
Mandy for aspiration, trying her best in everything she does at school.
Year Two
Yasmin for inclusivity, working well in a pair to create compound words.
Alaïa for demonstrating inclusivity in our Games lesson.
Year Three
Maryam for aspiring to improve her reading by engaging with more challenging texts.
Samah for courage when planning and performing in the year group storytelling assembly.
Year Four
Ammarah for perseverance when drawing Islamic tiles and using a compass for the first time.
Isha for inclusivity in PE lessons.
Year Five
Shelby for demonstrating creativity with her amazing bridge design during the STEAM Fairytale Engineering challenge.
Ayaana for demonstrating inclusivity, by including everyone during STEAM week.
Amaya for demonstrating inclusivity during STEAM activities when working with her peers.
Year Six
Fayha for excellence with her ‘hacking’ and ICT skills to problem solve.
Eliza M for creativity, sketching and producing watercolour paintings of Spring flowers.
Ceana for aspiration, working so hard in Mathematics lessons, pushing herself to be the best that she can be!