Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


05 May 2023

Much of the girls’ work this week has been focused on the forthcoming Coronation and they have enjoyed preparing for the royal event and for our Prep School Coronation picnic on Friday.

In Nursery, they have been busy making a range of themed items including crowns, place mats, bunting, flags and paper chains.  They have also decorated crowns for King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla using loose parts collage and have practised their pencil control with careful colouring.
K has been the letter sound of the week in Kindergarten, again in line with the King’s Coronation.

The girls have also made crowns using sparkly shapes, made Union flags and enjoyed a themed sensory bin including union flag cloud dough. The girls have also used the royal theme for their English and Mathematics lessons. They wrote a list of items needed for their party and looked at number bonds to 10. They have learnt more about what will happen at the Coronation and their role play has included holding a tea party.

In readiness for the Coronation this weekend, the Reception classrooms have a red, white and blue theme being displayed. The Tuff Tray has crowns to decorate, and the next step is to learn the Coronation songs!  The girls are all excited for our Coronation picnic on Friday and cannot wait to wear the crowns they have made especially. 

The Reception girls are also loving this term with their topic of Creatures Great and Small!  They brought in pet toys from home and have made beds, little collars and drinking bowls for them. In Creative Writing, they thought of a name for their pet then made individual passports.  Girls wrote a few sentences describing their pet on the back of the booklet.  

In Mathematics, the latest subject being taught is subtraction, and this is proving to be as successful as addition!  After completing their calculations in the workbooks, girls took to the large whiteboard to write their own sums to show their understanding.

What a lot has been achieved in just four days!  Well done Westbourne girls.

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