Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


10 November 2023

There has been a focus on the colour orange this week in Nursery. Girls brought items from home in the chosen colour to talk about, to sort and display. They explored oranges using all of their senses and enjoyed using a squeezer to extract the juice and to drink it. Fine motor skills were further developed, and the pupils particularly enjoyed the cool, squelchy feel of standing in orange paint and then looking at the footprints they had made. Nursery book of the week was Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper so we thought what better way to end the week in our cookers session than by making some delicious pumpkin soup to share!

The week in Kindergarten started with discussions about what the girls had done during their half term holiday. Many of them saw firework displays and some enjoyed the fireworks put on at school by the EHSPA. This was followed up with creating firework pictures, firework dancing during their PE lessons and also making firework toast during their cooking time! 

Studying the letter of the week 'n', Kindergarten girls have been exploring both night and day and have discussed events that happen during both times. They have also looked into animal activity during these periods. They now know that owls, foxes, bats and badgers are nocturnal animals and that bees, cows, chickens and dogs are diurnal animals! Nurse Heyes featured in our discussions and came to visit the classrooms to talk about her job and how she helps poorly people in many different ways. We are very grateful to have such a great nurse at school with us. 

On their first day back after half term, Reception pupils discussed firework safety and produced some wonderful, bright firework paintings to take home.   They have also been making jelly and looking at change this week. They discussed how powdered jelly could change to liquid and liquid to solid.  Once the jelly was set, girls were eager to eat it.  They thought the strawberry flavoured jelly was delicious. In topic art lessons, girls used their observational skills to complete still life paintings of fruit describing the shape, size and colour of the different fruits with each other before they painted them. 
In Literacy lessons, girls have been revising the ‘s, a, t, p, i, n’ sounds in greater detail and thinking of words beginning with these sounds. They were also introduced to capital letters.   Whilst in Numeracy lessons, they have been learning about money and recognising all the different coins used in this country.  The role play café was very useful as girls used different coins to pay for the items on the menu.     

The Curiosity Corner is all about Teddy Bears this week and it has been lovely seeing the photographs of pupils’ bears at home on Seesaw.  

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