Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

A Vibrant Co-Curricular Programme

Senior School

19 January 2024

Throughout your daughter's time with us, we actively encourage her participation in a diverse array of co-curricular activities beyond the classroom. We firmly believe that each new experience presents an opportunity for her to acquire essential life skills. To facilitate this, we provide a broad programme of co-curricular activities aimed at exploring and nurturing individual talents, imparting new skills, and fostering initiative.

This week, we shine a spotlight on two engaging clubs from the Food & Nutrition and Textiles departments: 'Seaside Stitchers' and 'Simmer Sisters'. 

‘Seaside Stitchers’, led by the Textiles teacher and craft enthusiast Mrs Cole, draws its inspiration from a past project involving the creation of seaside creatures using felt and fabric. This term's project involves crafting clever fold-away storage trays, with girls learning different elements each week, from cutting out the tray bottoms with traced designs to using sewing machines and adding zips.

The 'Simmer Sisters' club, conducted by Ms Reynolds and Mrs Harris, attracts a mix of seasoned chefs and bakers, and novice cooks among the Year 7s. During our visit, the delicious aroma of freshly cooked omelettes wafted from the adjacent Food & Nutrition classroom. The participants, despite varying levels of expertise, eagerly embraced the challenge, and their perseverance resulted in a superb batch of omelettes, albeit with a comical episode involving the removal of eggshells from the pans!

These clubs represent just two co-curricular options available to Senior School girls during lunchtime or after school and we hope this term all pupils will be encouraged to try something new.

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