Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week


17 November 2023

Along with thousands of other children across the world our girls in Nursery have celebrated World Nursery Rhyme Week.

We started off the week by inviting parents and friends to a coffee morning where they could participate in a range of nursery rhyme themed activities and could test their knowledge on a quiz.  The girls also came dressed as nursery rhyme characters.

During the week pupils have focused on one rhyme per day to develop a range of different skills.  Whilst studying Jack and Jill we looked at different containers and how much water they held using the words full and empty.

We made grandfather clocks by painting our arms on Hickory Dickory Dock day and studying Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes gave the opportunity to look at different body parts and put them in the order of the rhyme whilst doing the actions.

Different vehicles provided the final two rhymes.  During Row, Row, Row Your Boat we looked at lots of different boats and how they move.  We also decorated paper boats and then set them to sail and made them move by blowing through straws.  We put the Wheelies in to paint and then wheeled them along long strips of paper to see what patterns they made to extend the Wheels on the Bus rhyme.

Throughout the week different members of staff from all over the school came to share with us their favourite nursery rhymes including Mrs Macro and Mrs Crimp from Senior School.

Madame Hennous, the Language teacher from Prep, taught us two French nursery rhymes: Meunier tu Dors about a miller and his windmill, and a finger rhyme called Deux Petits Escargots about two little snails.

The girls have enjoyed their week and will continue learning Nursery rhymes during the year.

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